Tuesday May 7, 2024

“Well Nourished: Feeding our Babies, Securing ou Futures”

Join us for Day #3 of the National Postpartum Awareness Week (PAW) Virtual Series as we explore the challenges and benefits that BIPOC birthing people experience as they seek to nourish themselves and their babies during the 4th trimester and beyond.

BIPOC parents who choose to breast/chest feed are more likely to experience difficulties, such as access to affordable and nutritious food, lack of workplace accommodations, toxic and pervasive stress, and a scarcity of reliable information, education and support. Additionally, we will discuss the social and cultural barriers that people of color experience, ranging from negative perceptions about feeding their babies in public, to criticism of those who are unable to successfully breastfeed /chestfeed or who choose to formula feed. These pressures can significantly affect the mental, emotional, and physical health of the birthing person, creating complications that can have dire and long term implications on the wellbeing of the caregivers, their babies and families. 

This session will offer insights, anecdotes and tools to empower birthing people and their families to make informed choices to achieve their breastfeeding/chestfeeding goals to support their visions for a powerful future. 


“The Power of WE: Bringing Community Culture & Compassion Back to the Center of Postpartum Care"


"Our Bodies, Our Rights, Our Time: The Power of Reproductive Justice in the 4th Trimester"