Monday May 6, 2024

“The Power of WE: Bringing Community Culture, and Compassion Back to the Center of Postpartum Care”

Join us for Day #2 of the National Postpartum Awareness Week for Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC), our virtual series where we offer a transformative approach to postpartum care by centering the needs of Black and Brown people within the reproductive healthcare system. 

Historically, BIPOC mothers and birthing people have had to navigate healthcare systems that have oppressed and marginalized their lived experiences. The medical industrial complex, capitalism, racism, and the interplay of power and privilege have had adverse impacts on the reproductive outcomes for BIPOC communities in America. This underscores the urgent need to shift towards an anti-racist, holistic, community-centered approach to reproductive healthcare. This approach incorporates trauma-informed, culturally relevant, and competent practices to mitigate the disproportionate adverse outcomes affecting BIPOC people.

During this virtual session, we will introduce holistic approaches to postpartum care, emphasizing the importance of integrating the whole body, mind, and social/physical environment as crucial to providing adequate support and preventing postpartum complications. Panelists will discuss the need for collaboration across disciplines within the field and urge stakeholders to adopt a more comprehensive view and practice to positively influence the outcomes during the 4th trimester.


"In Their Hands: Honoring the Lives & Legacies of the Grand Midwives"


“Well Nourished: Feeding Our Babies, Securing Our Futures"